Ernest Bramah
Biography and Criticism
The bulk of this information comes from the writings of William White,
through the kindness of the University
of Virginia Library, with additional information supplied by Paul
Voorhees, Michael Wahl, and Lawrence Person. I would greatly appreciate
any additions, corrections and comments.
- Barker, Ernest A.
A Guide to the Best Fiction. New edition. London: George Routledge
& Sons Ltd., 1913, p. 187. [A brief paragraph on The Wallet of
Kai Lung and a sentence on The Mirror of Kong Ho.]
- Barker, Ernest A. and
James Packman. A Guide to the Best Fiction. New and enlarged
edition. London: George Routledge & Sons Ltd., 1932, p. 71. [Same
material as in the 1913 edition, plus listing additional editions, Kai
Lung's Golden Hours, Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat, and a short
paragraph on A Little Flutter.]
- Belloc, Hillaire.
Preface to Kai Lung's Golden Hours. London: Grant Richards Ltd.,
1922, pp. 1-6. [One of the best things written about Bramah, reprinted
in all editions of this book.]
- Benet, William Rose,
editor. The Reader's Encyclopedia. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell
Company, 1948, pp.1042. [Six lines under 'Smith, Ernest Bramah'; nothing
under 'Bramah' or 'Kai Lung'.]
- Bennett, Arnold.
The Journal of Arnold Bennett, 1896-1928. New York: The Viking
Press, 1933, p. 891. [On 16 Augist 1916 Bennett wrote: 'I read several
stories in Stories of Crime and Detection. Poe is the best. Austin
Freeman next. Conan Doyle is poor. Bramah far-fetched and unimpressive.
These people have an idea and seem to be without imagination or the skill
to use the idea.']
- Block, Maxine, editor.
Current Biography: Who's News and Why, 1942. New York: The H. W.
Wilson Company, 1942, pp. 105. [Five lines under 'Bramah, Ernest' on his
death and two obituary references.]
- Carter, John. Books
and Book-Collectors. London: Jonathan Cape; Cleveland and New York:
The World Publishing Company, 1957, p. 85. [In a three-times reprinted
essay, 'Collecting Detective Fiction', one sentence: 'Ernest Bramah's
Max Carrados, being blind, is to some extent inevitably intuitive, but
his methods in general are as ruthlessly logical as the purist could wish.']
- Goldberg, Joshua.
What's in a Name? or playfully on a Tangent. Armchair Detective,
7 (1974), 122-24. [Etymology of the name Max Carrados.]
- Haycraft, Howard.
Murder for Pleasure: The Life and Times of the Detective Story.
New York and London: Appleton-Century Company, Inc., 1941, pp. 77-79.
[Two pages on Bramah, mainly on Max Carrados.]
- Haycraft, Howard, editor.
The Art of the Mystery Story: A Collection of Critical Essays.
With a commentary. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1946, pp. 23, 28, 41,
53, 65, 78, 90, 410, 413, 463, 479, 499. [References to Max Carrados
by E. M. Wrong, Willard Huntington Wright, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ellery Queen,
John Carter and James Sandoe.]
- Kunitz, Stanley J.,
and Howard Haycraft. 'Smith, Ernest Bramah ("Ernest Bramah")
(1869 ? - June 27, 1942)'; Twentieth Century Authors. New York:
H. W. Wilson Company, 1942, pp. 1304-1305. [The most complete biographical
sketch of Bramah available, lists 16 of his books and 5 items about him.]
- Langford, David.
'Ernest Bramah: Crime and Chinoiserie'; Million. 1991. [Review
and criticism of both the Kai Lung and Max Carrados books. Complete
- Mais, S. P. B.
'Ernest Bramah' Some Modern Authors. London: Grant Richards; New
York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1923, pp. 45-51. [One of the few chapters
about Bramah in a book, but this is mainly a review of Kai Lung's Golden
- Penzler, Otto 'Collecting
Mystery Fiction', The Armchair Detective Vol. 16 No. 2, Spring
1983, pp. 199-201.
- Richards, Grant
Author Hunting by an Old Literary Sportsman: Memories of Years Spent
Mainly in Publishing, 1897-1925. London: Hamish Hamilton; New York:
Coward-McCann, Inc., 1934, pp. 272-275. [A few pages, but important ones
by Bramah's publisher; the English edition contains a full-page portrait.]
- Richards, Grant
Housman: 1897-1936. London: Oxford University Press, 1941; New
York, 1942, p. 245. [A. E. Housman wrote on 4 July 1928 after Richards
had sent Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat: 'Thanks for Bramah's book, which
I am reading after dinner with amusement.']
- Richards, Grant
Introduction to The Wallet of Kai Lung. London: Grant Richards
Ltd., 1923, pp. v-x. [A fuller treatment of Bramah than others by Richards
and more valuable; reprinted in all later editions by the Richards Press.]
- Rochette, Edward C.
'Blind Detective Had Real Feel for His Work', Numismatic News 14
January 1997, p. 24. [Long article focusing primarily on numismatics,
but interesting in that the author claims Bramah had indeed spent time
in China.]
- Squire, J. C. 'The
Wallet of Kai Lung', Life and Letters: Essays. London: William
Heinemann; New York: George H. Doran Company, 1921, pp 44-51. [A reprint
of a review of the 1917 Methuen edition of the Wallet; the article
first appeared in Land and Water, a British weekly.]
- Squire, J. C. Preface
to The Mirror of Kong Ho. London: Cayme Press, 1929.
- Valentine, Mark
'Ernest Bramah' Book and Magazine Collector. London: Diamond Publishing
Group, July 1997, pp. 40-49. [Biographical information, descriptions of
the books, U.K. bibliography and book values.]
- White, William.
'Kai Lung in America: The Critical Reception of Ernest Bramah', read before
the American Studies Association, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 21 March 1958,
to be published. [As of May 1958.]
- Unsigned. Portrait
of Ernest Bramah, Bookman (London), LXIII (January 1923), p. 183.
- Unsigned. Obituary
notice, New York Herald Tribune 28 June 1942.
- Unsigned. 'Ernest
Bramah, 74, A Writer, Is Dead', New York Times 28 June 1942.
- Staniland, C. S.
Obituary, 'Mr. Ernest Bramah, Creator of Kai
Lung', Times of London 29 June 1942.
- Unsigned. 'Ernest
Bramah', Publisher's Weekly CXLII (4 July 1942), p. 37.
- Unsigned. 'Died.
Ernest Bramah Smith (pen name: Ernest Bramah)', Time XL (6 July
1942), p. 80.
- Unsigned. Obituary
notice, Wilson Library Bulletin XVII (September 1942), p. 8.
- Unsigned. Note
and portrait, Penguin Books paperback editions of Kai Lung volumes, back
cover. [About 200 words only, but information unavailable elsewhere.]
- Unsigned. Note
and book descriptions, in A Pride of Gifts, programme for "An
exhibition in the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library", University of
Toronto, 1994, pp. 45-46. [A single biographical paragraph, with the information
that he was at one time secretary to Jerome K. Jerome, and descriptions
of two inscribed books from the collection of the late John Seltzer.]
- White, William
'Ernest Bramah in Anthologies 1914-1972', The Armchair Detective
Vol. 10 No. 1, January 1977, pp. 30-32. [Mr. White's updated version of
'Ernest Bramah: A First Checklist']
- White, William
'Ernest Bramah on Max Carrados: An Unpublished BBC Talk', The Armchair
Detective Vol. 15 No. 1, 1982, pp. 80-83.
- White, William
Ernest Bramah [Smith] in Periodicals, 1890-1972. Bulletin of
Bibliography, 32, no. 1 (1975), 33-34, 44.
- Wilson, Aubrey
The Search For Ernest Bramah, published March 2007 by
Creighton & Read, London. 256 pages. A well-researched biography.